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8 Ways To Sabotage Weight Loss

1. Not eating enough during the day
Not eating enough during the day slows down your metabolism two ways. First, your body thinks it's starving, so it will slow down your calorie-burning capacity in order to "survive." Second, you are likely to make up for low caloric intake in the last few hours of the day, causing your body to hang on to the food through the night in preparation for another day of "starving." Plain and simple eat early and eat often it will get your engine revving on high!

Lose weight quickly and effectively

Excessive exercise is not the only answer to lose weight fast. You need to add a few more activities to your regime to slim down effectively and quickly. 

Cardio it right
To maximize your workouts, do the right kind of cardio. It can be something that you enjoy doing or something that will specifically work for you. If you enjoy playing a sport or love to ride a bike, do that instead of hitting the gym. Ensure you get enough cardio if weight loss is your workout goal.

Relationship Tips

I know everybody knows this but just don't forget them 
1.    Be honest
2.    Choose your partner carefully
3.    Ensure your values match your partner’s values

Healthier relationships

Healthier relationships bring happiness as well as make people feel good about themselves. A man can get a good healthy relationship with family, buddies and dating partners. In nearly all types of healthy relationships, the thoughts will tempt you to really spend all of your time with the brand new partner. But, this may ultimately result in a couple of unhealthy tendencies.

Tips For Diabetes

Diabetes prevention is as basic as eating more healthfully, becoming more physically active and losing a few extra pounds  and it's never too late to start. Making a few simple changes in your lifestyle now may help you avoid the serious health complications of diabetes down the road, such as nerve, kidney and heart damage. 

Vitamins for A Mom

Fats are also needed so the mother can absorb important fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K:
Ø Vitamin A supports eye and lung development and a strong immune system.
Ø Vitamin D is needed for healthy bone formation in the baby.
Ø Vitamin E helps to keep cell membranes healthy so they can function optimally.
Ø Vitamin K is key for healthy bones and blood clotting.

Helping Troubled Teens Tip 1: Connect With Your Teen

Whatever problems your teen is experiencing, it is not a sign that you’ve somehow failed as a parent. Instead of trying to assign blame for the situation, focus on your teen’s current needs. The first step to doing this is to find a way to connect with him or her. 

Helping Troubled Teens Tip 2: Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes

The tips below can help put balance back in your troubled teen’s life, no matter the exact diagnosis of his or her problems:
Ø  Create structure. Teens may scream and argue with you about rules and discipline, or rebel against daily structure, but that doesn’t mean they need them any less. Structure, such as regular mealtimes and bedtimes, make a teen feel safe and secure.

Helping Troubled Teens Tip 3: Take Care of Yourself

The stress of dealing with any teenager, especially one who’s experiencing behavioral problems, can take a toll on your own health, so it’s important to take care of yourself. That means looking after your emotional and physical needs and learning to manage stress.

Anger And Violence In Teenagers

If you’re a parent of a teenage boy who is angry, aggressive, or violent, you may live in constant fear. Every phone call or knock on the door could bring news that your son has either been harmed, or has seriously harmed others.
Teenage girls get angry as well, of course, but that anger is usually expressed verbally rather than physically. Teen boys are more likely to throw objects, kick doors, or punch the walls when they’re angry. Some will even direct their rage towards you. For any parent, especially single mothers, this can be a profoundly upsetting and unsettling experience. But you don’t have to live under the threat of violence.

Understanding Teen Development

No, your teen is not an alien being from a distant planet, but he or she is wired differently. A teenager’s brain is still actively developing, processing information differently than a mature adult’s brain. 

When Typical Teen Behavior Becomes Troubled Teen Behavior

Typical Teen Behavior
Warning Signs of a Troubled Teen
Changing appearance. Keeping up with fashion is important to teens. That may mean wearing provocative or attention-seeking clothing or dyeing hair. Unless your teen wants tattoos, avoid criticizing and save your protests for the bigger issues. Fashions change, and so will your teen.

Changing appearance can be a red flag if it’s accompanied by problems at school or other negative changes in behavior, or if there’s evidence of cutting and self-harm or extreme weight loss or weight gain.

Normal Teen vs. Troubled Teen Behavior

As teenagers begin to assert their independence and find their own identity, many experience behavioral changes that can seem bizarre and unpredictable to parents. Your sweet, obedient child who once couldn’t bear to be separated from you now won’t be seen within 20 yards of you, and greets everything you say with a roll of the eyes or the slam of a door. These, unfortunately, are the actions of a normal teenager.

Relapse Prevention For Anorexia And Bulimia

The work of eating disorder recovery doesn’t   end once you’ve adopted healthy habits. It’s important to take steps to maintain your   progress and prevent relapse.
Ø  Develop a solid support system. Surround yourself with people who
      support you and want to see you healthy and happy. Avoid people that drain your energy, encourage disordered eating behaviors, or make you feel bad about yourself.

Self-help For Eating Disorders: Learning Healthy Eating Habits

Learning and establishing healthy eating habits is an essential step in recovery from anorexia and bulimia.
Ø  Stick to a regular eating schedule. You may be used to skipping meals or fasting for long stretches. But when you starve yourself, food becomes all you think about.

Self-help For Eating Disorders: Improving Your Self-Image

When you base your self-worth on physical appearance alone, you’re ignoring all the other qualities, accomplishments, and abilities that make you beautiful. Think about your friends and family members. Do they love you for the way you look or who you are? Chances are, your appearance ranks low on the list of what they love about you and you probably feel the same about them. So why does it top your own list?

Coping With Anorexia And Bulimia: Emotional Do And Don't Lists

Ø Allow yourself to be vulnerable with people you trust
Ø Fully experience every emotion
Ø Be open and accepting of all your emotions
Ø Use people to comfort you when you feel bad, instead of focusing on food
Ø Let your emotions come and go as they please without fear

Self-help For Eating Disorders: Learning New Coping Skills

Anorexia and bulimia aren’t about food. They’re about using food to cope with painful emotions such as anger, self-loathing, vulnerability, and fear. Disordered eating is a coping mechanism whether you refuse food to feel in control, binge for comfort, or purge to punish yourself. But you can learn healthier ways to cope with negative emotions.

Treatment Options For Anorexia And Bulimia

While there are a variety of different treatment options available for those struggling with eating disorders, it is important to find the treatment, or combination of treatments, that works best for you.

Therapy for eating disorders

Therapy is crucial to treating anorexia and bulimia. There are many ways a therapist can work with you, including addressing any feelings of shame and isolation caused by your eating disorder. Different therapists have different methods, so it is important to discuss with a therapist your goals in working towards recovery.

Eating Disorder Treatment: Help For Anorexia And Bulimia

The exact treatment needs of someone struggling with an eating disorder will vary according to the individual. It is, therefore, important that a health professional coordinate any treatment plan.

Eating disorder treatment step 1: Ask for help
It can be scary and embarrassing to seek help for an eating disorder but gaining support from a trusted friend, family member, religious leader, school counselor, or work colleague is for many people the first step on the road to recovery. Alternately, some people find it less threatening to confide in a treatment specialist, such as an eating disorder counselor or nutritionist.

Eating Disorder Recovery

The road to eating disorder recovery starts with admitting you have a problem. This admission can be tough, especially if you’re still clinging to the belief even in the back of your mind—that weight loss is the key to happiness, confidence, and success. Even when you finally understand this isn’t true, old habits are still hard to break.

How To Make Friends Tip 3: Be A Good Friend

Remember that making a friend is just the beginning of the journey into friendship. Friendships take time to form and even more time to deepen. In order to move from acquaintance to friend, you need to nurture that new connection. It's a process that requires time, effort, and a genuine interest in the other person.

How To Make Friends Tip 2: Engage In Conversation

Some people seem to instinctively know how to start a conversation with anyone, in any place, be it a party, bar, health club, the checkout line, a crowded elevator, or on public transport. If you're not one of these lucky types, don't despair.Here are some easy ways to engage in conversation with someone new:

How To Make Friends tip 1: Where to meet people

Close relationships don't happen overnight, but there are steps you can take to help you connect with others and make friends. When looking for places to meet new people, try to be open to new ideas and cultivate an interest in other people, their lives, and their stories. Not everything you try will be successful but you will often have fun and learn from the experience.