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12 Simple Tips For Relationship

1. Mind your manners. "Please," "thank you" and "you're welcome," can go a long way in helping your partner remember that you respect and love him and don't take him for granted.
2. Variety is the spice of life. Studies have shown that dullness can lead to dissatisfaction with a relationship. Trying something new can be as simple as visiting an unfamiliar restaurant or as grand as a backpacking trip through Sri Lanka. Discoveries you make together will keep you feeling close. 

3. The couple that plays together, stays together. Find a sport or hobby that you both love (no, watching TV does not count) and make that a priority in your relationship. Camping, biking, building model trains... whatever it is, find something you enjoy doing together
4. Fight right. In order to have productive arguments, keep these rules in mind. Don't call your spouse names. When things get really tough, take a break from the argument. Let the other person finish his/her sentences. Don't initiate a discussion when you're angry. 
5. I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. No one likes demands (unless you're in a BDSM role play), but everyone can appreciate a compromise. If you want your lover to do something and you're not sure he'll be agreeable, the quickest way to avoid a confrontation is to sweeten the deal. For example: "Sure, I'll watch Monday Night Football if you take me to see the next movie of my choice."
6. Two heads are better than one. Being in a relationship basically means you've made a merger; you've not only joined assets but inherited the other's problems as well. Rather than looking at his problems as merely his own, tackle them together. For example, if he's gaining weight, rather than pushing him to diet on his own, enroll in an exercise program together.
7. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Maintain your own friendships and occasionally have a night out without your significant other. Doing things without your s.o. not only makes you miss him or her, it also keeps you sane. And, in case the relationship doesn't work out, you'll still have your friends.
8. Sound it out. It other words: communicate! Talking out the tough subjects—money, religion, fidelity, raising kids—will not be the most fun you've had, but it'll be valuable. 
9. Laughter is the best medicine. Learn to laugh at yourself and at silly mistakes. If he throws your $300 cashmere sweater in the dryer, laughing it off is, in the long run, better than getting angry. It's is just a $300 cashmere sweater, not the end of the world.
10. Keep your eyes on the prize. Yes, he forgot your co-worker's name for the tenth time, but it probably doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. If you keep your perspective fixed on the goal—to be in a happy, functioning partnership—you're less likely to get tangled up in every minor annoyance. Remember, you both want the same thing.
11. Quitters never win. Find a ritual and keep it alive, no matter what. Whether it's alwayskissing each other good night, renewing wedding vows every year, sleeping in as late as you want once a month, pick something that makes you both feel good and stick to it, even when you're tempted to skip. 
12. When the going gets tough, the tough get going... to therapy. Studies show thatcouples who seek counseling during rocky periods are more successful in resolving their issues than those who don't. Whether its from a religious figure, counselor or mental health professional, getting an expert to help sort out strife is as wise as forgoing self-installation and hiring a plumber to put in a new sink.

Can you use yoga for weight loss? Yes!

Losing weight isn’t easy for anyone, but with the right attitude, you can make a real difference in how you look and feel.
These fat-burning yoga poses will help kick-start your metabolism and build up lean muscle tone. 

1. Cobra Pose

Even beginners can get good results from this simple yoga pose, which works to firm the buttocks and tone the abs.
  • Lie face-down on the floor, with the tops of your feet flat against the ground.
  • Press your legs and hips down. Place your hands under your shoulders, plams down and fingers spread apart.
  • Press into your hands, lifting your head, chest and upper back off the mat. Keep your gaze forward and up and your shoulder blades down and back.
  • Push back your shoulders and feel the stretch spread evenly along the length of your spine.
  • After a few deep breaths, relax to a prone position on an exhale. 

2. Wind-Releasing Pose

This fat-burning yoga pose is great for targeting your abdominal area.
  • Lie down on the floor and bring your knees up to your chest with your ankles together.
  • Clasp your arms together over your knees as you bring your head up off the floor.
  • Breathe deep as you feel the stretch work your abs, then relax slowly.

3. Bow Pose

This advanced yoga pose can really burn fat while toning your arms, legs and abdominal area.
  • Lie down on your stomach, bend your knees and reach around to grab your feet.
  • Pull in your stomach and extend your feet upward, raising your upper body at the same time. Keep your shoulder blades down and back.
  • Hold for several breaths, then relax.

4. Side-Stretch Pose

This yoga pose can help raise your heart-rate and burn calories.
  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart.
  • Rotate your torso and turn both your feet to the right. Keeping legs straight, exhale and hinge over your right leg until your torso is parallel to the floor, reaching your hands to the ground (if you can’t touch the floor, you can rest them on a block).
  • Hinge further with each exhale, moving your torso closer to your right thigh.
Remember to keep breathing, then relax and repeat in the opposite direction.

5. Warrior I Pose

This yoga pose can work your abs, thighs and arms, and is most effective if used as part of a sequence like Sun Salutation.
  • Standing straight, step your left leg 4-5 feet to the left, then rotate both feet and your torso toward the left.
  • Bend your left knee over your toes while keeping your right leg straight.
  • Raise both arms high above your head with your fingertips pointing upward, looking up at your hands. 

5 Fat-Burning Tips

Losing weight can sometimes be a frustrating process. You’ve probably hit someplateaus along the way and have struggled to achieve your ideal body weight. If you're in a weight-loss valley, here are some fat-burning tips to help you reach the peaks.

1. Add fiber to your diet

Troubles with irregularity can definitely contribute to weight gain, but the solution is quite simple. By simply increasing the amount of dietary fiber in your diet, you will improve the health of your stomach and digestive tract. Some research also indicates that fiber has a positive effect on your metabolism.
Fiber can be found in foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins, but the problem with fiber is that it is often difficult to get enough. To fix this problem, replace all of your simple carbs with fibrous ones and don’t look back. For example, if you regularly consume candy, replace it with fruit instead. And if you love sugary cereal in the morning for breakfast, replace it withoatmeal instead.

2. Replace carbs with spinach

If you’re looking for another reason to replace simple carbs in your diet with complex carbs and fibrous vegetables, look no further. Simple carbs can cause spikes in insulin, a fat-storing hormone that increases your appetite as well — a double whammy. But complex carbohydrates have the opposite effect, keeping insulin levels low, and they also control your appetite, due to the fact that they are very difficult to digest.

3. Take your vitamins

Believe it or not, many vitamins play a role in fat mobilization and can help youlose weight. Vitamin C is a great example, since it is needed for the production of several amino acids that aid in the fat-burning process. In addition to this, some studies have shown that vitamin D can increase the amount of fat burned by up to 50 percent. Both A and B vitamins play a critical role in keeping stress levels in check, which is important, since if your stress levels are high, your body will automatically go into fat-storing and muscle-burning mode — something you definitely don’t want. You don’t need anything fancy — just a basic multivitamin should work fine.

4. Drink green tea

Studies show that not only is green tea very high in antioxidants, but it can also increase your metabolism and make it much easier for your body to burn additional calories.

5. Get caffeine at the right time

In addition to green tea, consuming caffeine on a daily basis can help improve your fat-loss results by increasing your metabolism. Caffeine also acts as an appetite suppressant, working to control your cravings and making it easier to lose weight. Consuming caffeine before your workouts can also help you burn additional calories, so try drinking a cup of tea or coffee about 30 minutes before you hit the gym. It will give you the extra drive and focus needed to complete your workouts at full intensity.
Taking these tips seriously and applying them into your life will definitely help your fat loss results. Good luck!

Chia Seed Nutrition

Your baby is officially an embryo and is currently the size of a Chia seed. A significant source of the Omega-3′s Fatty Acid ALA, Chia is an ancient seed that originates from Mexico, where it was cultivated by the Aztecs who believed one tablespoon of Chia Seeds where so nutritious that they could sustain one person for a whole day!

What makes Chia so nutritious? They’re a fantastic source of -
  • Antioxidants – Could help to protect you and your baby against disease.
  • Dietary fiber – Might keep you regular (a common pregnancy problem).
  • Protein – Essential for you and your babies muscle growth.
  • Calcium – Works to build strong bones for your baby.
  • Phosphorous – Should help your baby to regulate his heartbeat.
  • Potassium – Helps to release energy for you from the foods you eat.
Adding Chia to your pregnancy diet could aid digestion, keep you looking younger for longer, give you more energy and on those days when you really can’t face food, significant levels of Chia might just help you to get those important nutrients to your baby!
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