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Chia Seed Nutrition

Your baby is officially an embryo and is currently the size of a Chia seed. A significant source of the Omega-3′s Fatty Acid ALA, Chia is an ancient seed that originates from Mexico, where it was cultivated by the Aztecs who believed one tablespoon of Chia Seeds where so nutritious that they could sustain one person for a whole day!

What makes Chia so nutritious? They’re a fantastic source of -
  • Antioxidants – Could help to protect you and your baby against disease.
  • Dietary fiber – Might keep you regular (a common pregnancy problem).
  • Protein – Essential for you and your babies muscle growth.
  • Calcium – Works to build strong bones for your baby.
  • Phosphorous – Should help your baby to regulate his heartbeat.
  • Potassium – Helps to release energy for you from the foods you eat.
Adding Chia to your pregnancy diet could aid digestion, keep you looking younger for longer, give you more energy and on those days when you really can’t face food, significant levels of Chia might just help you to get those important nutrients to your baby!
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