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Self-help For Eating Disorders: Learning New Coping Skills

Anorexia and bulimia aren’t about food. They’re about using food to cope with painful emotions such as anger, self-loathing, vulnerability, and fear. Disordered eating is a coping mechanism whether you refuse food to feel in control, binge for comfort, or purge to punish yourself. But you can learn healthier ways to cope with negative emotions.

The first step is figuring out what’s really eating you up inside. Remember, “fat” is not a feeling, so if you feel overweight and unattractive, stop and ask yourself what’s really going on. Are you upset about something? Depressed? Stressed out? Lonely? Once you identify the emotion you’re experiencing, you can choose a positive alternative to starving or stuffing yourself.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

Ø  Call a friend
Ø  Listen to music
Ø  Play with a pet
Ø  Read a good book
Ø  Take a walk
Ø  Write in a journal
Ø  Go to the movies
Ø  Get out into nature
Ø  Play a favorite game
Ø  Do something nice for someone else

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