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How To Make Friends Tip 3: Be A Good Friend

Remember that making a friend is just the beginning of the journey into friendship. Friendships take time to form and even more time to deepen. In order to move from acquaintance to friend, you need to nurture that new connection. It's a process that requires time, effort, and a genuine interest in the other person.

Ø  Be the friend that you would like to have. Treat your friend just as you want them to treat you. Be reliable, thoughtful, trustworthy, and willing to share yourself and your time.
Ø  Be a good listener. To develop a solid friendship with someone, be prepared to listen and support them just as you want them to listen and support you.
Ø  Invest in the friendship. No friendship will flourish without regular attention. Find things you enjoy doing with your friend and commit the time to do them, even when you're busy or stressed.
Ø  Give your friend space. Don't be too clingy or needy, and be sure not to abuse your friend's generosity. Everyone needs space to be alone or spend time with other people as well.
Ø  Don't set too many rules and expectations. Instead, allow your friendship to evolve naturally. You're both unique individuals so your friendship probably won't develop exactly as you expect.
Ø  Be forgiving. No one is perfect and every friend will make mistakes. No friendship develops smoothly so when there's a bump in the road, try to find a way to overcome the problem and move on. It will often deepen the bond of friendship between you.

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