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Myths About Six Pack Abs Workouts

Six Pack Abs Workouts: What Not To Do!
Thanks to the cleverly photo-shopped six pack abs pictures, most of us are led to believe that six pack abs workouts and equipment are sufficient to build a bread-basket. If only if was so easy! You do not get six-pack abs by doing endless repetitions of abs exercises. Let us talk about some common myths about six pack abs workouts.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs Revealed
Once you understand the common myths about six pack abs workouts, you are less likely to make the mistakes that come in way of developing that perfectly chiseled mid-section.

Myths About Six Pack Abs Workouts: Crunches Help Shed Fat

This, by far, is the most common myth. I fail to understand why trainees believe that doing crunches will get them six-pack abs. I challenge you to perform a thousand crunches everyday for a month or two, and show me six pack abs. Unless your body fat is less, crunches are not going to help you. The hype revolving around spot reduction is the greatest enemy of a trainee.
You do not develop six-pack abs in the gym; you do that in your kitchen. If your diet is not correct, there is no way you can develop the bread basket. In addition to your diet, strength training, cardio and rest are important.


Myths About Six Pack Abs Workouts: Daily Ab Workout

Before you hop on a six pack abs workout program, you should understand that like every other muscle group in the body, abs is also a form of muscle. Why am I asking you to pay attention to this fact? Because if you do not understand this, you will be working your abs every day. Just as you do not train your chest every day, you should not train your mid-section daily. Ideally, you should hit the abs 2-3 times a week.


Myths About Six Pack Abs Workouts: Fat Burners And Abs Equipment

Alright, so you have seen a commercial that inspires you to believe that their equipment or pills are responsible for the awesome six pack abs pics that appear on the screen. Complete bullshit!

Bodybuilding Nutrition: How To Get Six Pack Abs
I am not saying that all fat burners are ineffective. I am trying to help you understand that fat burners and other supplements should catch your attention ONLY after you bring your diet and workout on the right track. On any given day, diet and workout have an upper hand over nutrition supplements.
Myths About Six Pack Abs Workouts: Genetics
If you have been hiding behind the “my genetic suck” excuse, you are never going to even get closer to getting six pack abs. Genetics surely are important. But they do not build sic pack abs. You develop a flat belly through diet, workout, rest and supplementation. Stop blaming your genetics for your failure. The real culprit is your laziness and lack of will power to follow a strict diet and workout plan.


Bottom line

Do not let these myths about six pack abs workouts stop you from working hard at the gym. Just as it is possible to build a massive chest, back or shoulders, six pack abs is achievable. Drugs, shortcuts and other things are not required if you can work hard, and of course, smart.

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